Centre de ressources numériques
Indicators;Power analysis;Alert threshold;Seagrass;Monitoring
Monitoring ecological variables is mandatory to detect abnormal changes in ecosystems. When the studied variables exceed predefined alert thresholds, management actions may be required. In the past, alert thresholds have been typically defined by expert judgments and descriptive statistics. Recently, approaches based on statistical power were also used. In New Caledonia, seagrass monitoring is a priority given their vulnerability to natural and anthropic disturbances. To define a suitable monitoring strategy and alert thresholds, we compared a Percentile Based Approach (PBA) and a sensitivity analysis of power (SAP). Both methods defined statistically relevant alert thresholds, but the SAP approach-was more robust to spatial and temporal variability of seagrass cover. Moreover, this method characterized the sensitivity of threshold values to sampling efforts, a useful knowledge for managers.